
Welcome to my blog! I'm just getting started but hopefully this can help me sum up and organize my websites, opinions and photos. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Big Butter Jesus

As most people in the Cincinnati area know, "Touchdown Jesus" (also known as "Big Butter Jesus") burnt down as a result of a lightening strike on Monday June 14th, 2010. The six-story high statue was made of foam and fiberglass over a steel frame. It was built along I-75 in Cincinnati Ohio at Solid Rock Church. Damage estimates are at $700,000 for the statue and the church's theater (plus equipment) "enduring smoke damage". So here's the question...

why should they rebuild it???

First of all, if you believe in general christian beliefs, building the statue in the first place is a form of idolatry! So, being a church and all, shouldn't they be looking to use that HUGE sum of money for something that could change the world!?
    A few examples would be:
  • money towards cleaning up the oil spill
  • donating to suffering people in Haiti
  • or maybe just some old-fashioned organizations?
  • how about money for cancer research!
The possibilities are endless really. Second of all, the statue is just a way for the church to get non-church goers attention. I mean the original construction of it, obviously the lightening strike was just a coincidence.

Which brings me to my next point, okay so maybe "God was sending a message" or whatever, but crying about an apocalypse is just ridiculous. People in this world are being way to dramatic and need to find something else to talk about.

In conclusion, yes the statue was an icon in Cincinnati and many people were sad to see it go. However, rebuilding it is simply not necessary. It would be a colossal waste of money and could simply be used for something of better moral interest.

Thank you for reading, I do realize that this is my opinion. That is the point of my blog. Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Money should be allotted to those who need it, not those who have it!
