
Welcome to my blog! I'm just getting started but hopefully this can help me sum up and organize my websites, opinions and photos. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Awesome Possum

So since it's the summer, i've been finding myself drifting into a slow but steady stream of boredom. With this boredom came way too many hours of internet browsing. Therefore, "stumbling upon" a website called "StumbleUpon" I came across quite a few amusing things. However, this video stuck out to me because


That is all I have to say, except you must watch it!

 What did I tell you? Pretty Awesome huh?

Next are some of my favorite MLIA's that I've come across.

Today, I was at the grocery store in the bakery
section when I heard a little girl hyperactively
telling her mother what kind of cake she wanted
for her birthday. After going through the catalog,
she suddenly and loudly demanded a Hanna Montana
Cake, to which her mother replied, "but you don't
even like Hannan Montanna!" The little girl
nonchalantly responded, "I know, I just want to eat
her face." Our youth is doing just fine.

Today, my two sisters were having a fight
over the dinner table, one is 14, the other
is 6. My 14 year old sister yelled "Well
Santa's not real!". My 6 year old sister
plucked up some courage and yelled, "Well
neither is Edward Cullen!". One ran from
the table crying. I think we all know who did.
Today, I too my little sister to see New Moon.
A few minutes into the movie, when there was
a closeup shot of Edward's face, a nerfgun dart
hit him straight in the eye. I turned around to
see an 80 year old man holding a nerfgun, who
shouted; "Go, Team Jacob!" and hobbled out on
his cane, muttering.

Today, I typed in "Google hates.. " and one of
the suggestions it came up with was "Google hates
Justin Bieber." I'm happy to know Google has
Yesterday I was at my dad's graduation from college.
He went back to retrain as a paramedic. We didn't
see him at all before the ceremony until we got up
to the auditorium level, where he was walking around
in his gown yelling "TEN POINTS FROM SLYTHERIN" at
the other passing graduates. My dad is 48.
Today, I was watching TV at my Nan and Grandads
house, when my Grandad walks in during a trailer
for 'Eclipse'. He then said to me "I thought Cedric
Digory died?" I love my Grandad.

And Now Another Video

She's great

That's all I have as a result of my summertime boredom for now!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Taylor Swift Is Awful Because...

1) She Cannot Hit The Notes: People make excuses for her being bad live but "amazing" in the recordings right? Well, she sucks live because she cannot hit the notes. Plain and simple,she just does not have the range to sing her songs in tune. Or any song in tune for that matter. The only reason she sounds good in recordings is because of autotune "helping her out".

2) She Cannot Play The Guitar Well: Her songs are variations on pretty much the same 3 cord progressions. Therefore, making it easier to hide her bad/mediocre guitar playing skills.

3) All Her Songs Are About The Same Thing: She whines about boys too much! She makes all girls her age look desperate, stalkerish, and all around dumb. When you say you relate to her, it is admitting to being way too desperate and clingy! Nobody likes clingers.

4) No Credit For Her Band: She does not give credit to her band, which definitely has WAY more talent than she does, and that's just rude. Every other singer/songwriter acknowleges their band. Without a band there is no taylor!

5) Her Fans Are Awful: Her fans are so annoying. If they see or hear one thing bad about Taylor Swift they go off the deep end! Who cares how nice of a person she is? SHE SHOULDNT BE A SINGER BECAUSE SHE'S NICE! Lets put it this way, my grandma's nice, but that doesnt mean she should try to abuse that quality to become famous. Get another job grandma/taylor!

6) She Obtained Her Record Label For One Reason: I hope everyone knows who her daddy is, that's the only reason she's famous. If you're not good, dont abuse connections to become a hit. You're still not good!

7) Real Singer Comparison: Lastly, SHE IS A DISGRACE TO ALL LEGITAMATE SINGERS! If taylor went to any type of audtion, ie. college audition, chorus audtion, even american idol! SHE WOULD BE KICKED OUT THE FIRST ROUND. I know for a fact (as i am a violinist and vocalist, both pop and classical) that she would make it NOWHERE if she had tried to become famous on her own.

(I did not include her looks because that's opinionated, the fact that she cannot hit notes and has a plain voice are FACT)

Thank you those Taylor fans that asked me why I don't respect her "as a musician" and prompted this entry in my blog. Now you know why.

Example Number 1
 ~These are two videos that aren't mine but I think they demonstrate what I'm trying to say quite well.
Example Number 2

The End